Sunday, April 29, 2012

Tongues of Fire-Pastor Paul's Podcast Episode 244 Pt2 'Fruitless Vines'

Ezekiel 15:1-2
1Then the word of the LORD came to me, saying, 2“Son of man, how is the wood of the vine better than any wood of a branch which is among the trees of the forest?"
  • Today is Sunday April 29, 2012
  • Time 36.57 File Size 33.8 MB
  • Originally Recorded February 20, 1987
  • Your Hostess with the Mostest Jeanine Arnopoulos
  • Follow the#twitterRUMBLE on Thursdays
  • Coming to you from spirited North Minneapolis, Minnesota USA
  • Scriptures Links Here:
Join us next Friday May 4, 2012 for Episode 245 Pt1 'Sluggards' Pastor Paul's Message. Listen to Tongues of Fire-Pastor Paul's Podcast New Episodes Weekly-Spirit Filled Messages to Change Your Life!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Tongues of Fire-Pastor Paul's Podcast Episode 244 Pt1 'Fruitless Vines'

Ezekiel 15:1-2
1Then the word of the LORD came to me, saying, 2“Son of man, how is the wood of the vine better than any wood of a branch which is among the trees of the forest?"
  • Today is Friday April 27, 2012
  • Time 41.20 File Size 37.8 MB
  • Originally Recorded February 20, 1987
  • Your Hostess with the Mostest Jeanine Arnopoulos
  • Follow the#twitterRUMBLE on Thursdays
  • Coming to you from spirited North Minneapolis, Minnesota USA
  • Scriptures Links Here:
Join us Sunday April 29, 2012 for the conclusion to Episode 244 Pt2 'Fruitless Vines' Pastor Paul's Message. Listen to Tongues of Fire-Pastor Paul's Podcast New Episodes Weekly-Spirit Filled Messages to Change Your Life!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

#LiveTweetsInside for Episode 244 'Fruitless Vines' [and 'the Mission']

  1. Let's Get Ready To Rumble! Recording Pastor Paul's Message 'Fruitless Vines' for Tongues of Fire-Pastor Paul's Podcast 244 
  2. 'Divine visitations bring spiritual riches.'  
  3. God sends encouragement and we reap the harvest.
  4. Those who observe Providences find them.  
  5. What is a VINE TREE? a special tree? a divine tree? What is a VINE TREE?
  6. Is the VINE TREE a chosen tree?
  7. Shall wood be taken from the vine to do any work. What is it good for? No, it is useless apart from its fruitfulness.  
  8. Are you claiming you have Fruit-to-Boot?
  9. Are we afraid of the truth? We hold up our leaves and wave them only to find we are fruitless?
  10. Apart from God we are fruitless, not special at all; We are not greater than the tree. We are fruitless leaf waving vines.
  11. Let's be humble knowing without fruit created by divine providence we are not greater than other trees but useless vines.
  12. Living branches abiding in the Living Vine may be taken up barb-wires, the sides of tall buildings, or maybe a church.
  13. 'SPIDER VINE' able to leap tall buildings with a single bound covered with 'FRUIT-TO-BOOT'.

These are #LiveTweetsInside of Pastor Paul's Message as it was recorded today. Follow #LiveTweetsInside as Live Tweets rumble usually on Thursdays. Follow jeaninecheri

Subscribe to Tongues of Fire-Pastor Paul's Podcast Episode 244 Pt1 of 'Fruitless Vines' Friday April 27, 2012 and the conclusion Pt2 on Sunday April 29, 2012.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

John 10:14 

"I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me--"

Download Here: Episode 243 Pt2 'Eternal Life'

  • Today is Sunday April 22, 2012
  • Time 33.47 File Size 30.9 MB
  • Originally Recorded February 15, 1987
  • Your Hostess with the Mostest Jeanine Arnopoulos
  • Follow the#twitterRUMBLE on Thursdays
  • Coming to you from spirited North Minneapolis, Minnesota USA
  • Scriptures Links Here:
Join us next Friday April 27, 2012 for Episode 244 Pt1 'Fruitless Vines' Pastor Paul's Message. Listen to Tongues of Fire-Pastor Paul's Podcast New Episodes Weekly-Spirit Filled Messages to Change Your Life!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Tongues of Fire-Pastor Paul's Podcast Episode 243 Pt1 'Eternal Life'

John 10:14 

"I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me--"

  • Today is Friday April 20, 2012
  • Time 43.18 File Size 39.6 MB
  • Originally Recorded February 15, 1987
  • Your Hostess with the Mostest Jeanine Arnopoulos
  • Follow the#twitterRUMBLE on Thursdays
  • Coming to you from spirited North Minneapolis, Minnesota USA
  • Scriptures Links Here:
Join us Sunday April 22, 2012 for the conclusion to Episode 243 Pt2 'Eternal Life' Pastor Paul's Message. Listen to Tongues of Fire-Pastor Paul's Podcast New Episodes Weekly-Spirit Filled Messages to Change Your Life!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

#LiveTweetsInside for Episode 243 'Eternal Life' [and 'Following Singularly']

  1. Let's Get Ready To Rumble! Recording Pastor Paul's Message 'Eternal Life' for Tongues of Fire-Pastor Paul's Podcast 243
  2. 'Those that think they will be first, will be last; And those that think they will be last, will be first.' Hallelujah!
  3. Election makes people HOT!
  4. 'Lord cleanse me from SECRET FAULTS...' Are you hiding secret faults?
  5. 'You believe not; because you are not my sheep. They know my voice. I know them. They follow me. I give them eternal life.'
  6. Be thankful that God takes us for who we are, lambs; [peaceful, loving and dumb-really dumb-teachable dumb]
  7. 'Be careful when you think you know something, know nothing at all.' [Dummies one and all]
  8. 'Listen to the...small...still...voice...'
  9. 'Give and it shall be given unto you'
  10. 'My sheep hear my voice and I know them.' The Lord knows those who are his.
  11. 'I know them, says the shepherd, I take great delight in them; I know their silent praises; I know their secret prayers.'
  12. He intensely observes His sheep.
  13. 'They, each one, follow me singularly, not as a group.'
  14. What does eternal mean?
  15. What does eternal life mean?
  16. 'Born of an incorruptible seed, I give onto my sheep eternal life.'
  17. 'They shall not perish and neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. They follow me and I give eternal life.'
These are #LiveTweetsInside of Pastor Paul's Message as it was recorded today. Follow #LiveTweetsInside as Live Tweets rumble usually on Thursdays. Follow jeaninecheri

Subscribe to Tongues of Fire-Pastor Paul's Podcast Episode 243 Pt1 of 'Eternal Life' Friday April 20, 2012 and the conclusion Pt2 on Sunday April 22, 2012.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Tongues of Fire-Pastor Paul's Podcast Episode 242 Pt2 'Suffering & Sympathy'

Hebrews 2:18

For since He Himself was tempted in that which He has suffered, He is able to come to the aid of those who are tempted.

Download Here: Episode 242 Pt2 'Suffering & Sympathy'
  • Today is Sunday April 15, 2012
  • Time 27.38 File Size 25.3 MB
  • Originally Recorded February 13, 1987
  • Your Hostess with the Mostest Jeanine Arnopoulos
  • Follow the#twitterRUMBLE on Thursdays
  • Coming to you from spirited North Minneapolis, Minnesota USA
  • Scriptures Links Here:
Join us next Friday April 20, 2012 for Episode 243 Pt1 'Eternal Life' Pastor Paul's Message. Listen to Tongues of Fire-Pastor Paul's Podcast New Episodes Weekly-Spirit Filled Messages to Change Your Life!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Tongues of Fire-Pastor Paul's Podcast Episode 242 Pt1 'Suffering & Sympathy'

Hebrews 2:18

For since He Himself was tempted in that which He has suffered, He is able to come to the aid of those who are tempted.

Download Here: Episode 242 Pt1 'Suffering & Sympathy'
  • Today is Friday April 13, 2012
  • Time 30.22 File Size 27.8 MB
  • Originally Recorded February 13, 1987
  • Your Hostess with the Mostest Jeanine Arnopoulos
  • Follow the#twitterRUMBLE on Thursdays
  • Coming to you from spirited North Minneapolis, Minnesota USA
  • Scriptures Links Here:
Join us Sunday April 15, 2012 for the conclusion to Episode 242 Pt2 'Suffering & Sympathy' Pastor Paul's Message. Listen to Tongues of Fire-Pastor Paul's Podcast New Episodes Weekly-Spirit Filled Messages to Change Your Life!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

#LiveTweetsInside for Episode 242 'Suffering & Sympathy' [and 'Raisin Cakes']

  1. Get Ready To Rumble! Recording Pastor Paul's Message 'Suffering & Sympathy' for Tongues of Fire-Pastor Paul's Podcast 242
  2. Have you ever said, 'My acquaintance is darkness.'
  3. 'Paint It Black'
  4. 'Walking In Darkness'
  5. 'Heartbreak Hotel'
  6. 'Temptation'
  7. Can you hear the baby cry?
  8. Poverty is Temptation.
  9. Weariness is Temptation.
  10. Have you fallen asleep in the garden?
  11. Easy is Temptation.
  12. Temptation is not sin.
  13. Jesus was tempted.
  14. Let no temptation lead you to despair.
  15. While people suffer will your sympathy be summed up by asking, 'Could you please pass the raisin cakes?'
These are #LiveTweetsInside of Pastor Paul's Message as it was recorded today. Follow #LiveTweetsInside as Live Tweets rumble usually on Thursdays. Follow jeaninecheri

Subscribe to Tongues of Fire-Pastor Paul's Podcast Episode 242 Pt1 of 'Suffering & Sympathy' Friday April 13, 2012 and the conclusion Pt2 on Sunday April 15, 2012.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Tongues of Fire-Pastor Paul's Podcast Episode 241 Pt2 'Friends Pt2'

Isaiah 2:22

Cease ye from man, whose breath is in his nostrils; for wherein is he to be accounted of?

Download Here: Episode 241 Pt2 'Friends Pt2'
  • Today is Easter Sunday April 8, 2012
  • Time 41.42 File Size 38.1 MB
  • Originally Recorded February 8, 1987
  • Your Hostess with the Mostest Jeanine Arnopoulos
  • Follow the#twitterRUMBLE on Thursdays
  • Coming to you from spirited North Minneapolis, Minnesota USA
  • Scriptures Links Here:
Join us next Friday April 13, 2012 for Episode 242 Pt1 'Suffering and Sympathy' Pastor Paul's Message. Listen to Tongues of Fire-Pastor Paul's Podcast New Episodes Weekly-Spirit Filled Messages to Change Your Life!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Tongues of Fire-Pastor Paul's Podcast Episode 241 Pt1 'Friends Pt2'

Isaiah 2:22

Cease ye from man, whose breath is in his nostrils; for wherein is he to be accounted of?

Download Here: Episode 241 Pt1 'Friends Pt2'
  • Today is Friday April 6, 2012
  • Time 40.35 File Size 37.1 MB
  • Originally Recorded February 8, 1987
  • Your Hostess with the Mostest Jeanine Arnopoulos
  • Follow the#twitterRUMBLE on Thursdays
  • Coming to you from spirited North Minneapolis, Minnesota USA
  • Scriptures Links Here:
Join us Easter Sunday April 8, 2012 for the conclusion to Episode 241 Pt2 'Friends Pt2' Pastor Paul's Message. Listen to Tongues of Fire-Pastor Paul's Podcast New Episodes Weekly-Spirit Filled Messages to Change Your Life!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

#LiveTweetsInside for Episode 241 'Friends Pt2' [and 'Confidence']

  1. Let's Get Ready To Rumble! Recording Pastor Paul's Message 'Friends Pt2' for Tongues of Fire-Pastor Paul's Podcast 241
  2. We are by nature idolators.
  3. We worship the work of our hands.
  4. We worship 'Moo-ooney' [Golden Calf].
  5. We make our own wealth our chief confidence.
  6. Will you live in the hand to mouth fashion? 'Give us this day our DAILY bread.'
  7. Is to be a friend of the poor the cry?
  8. We trust in our own cleverness.
  9. We idolize, regard with blind admiration or devotion, muscle-juice.
  10. We idolize property. WWII lawn signs, 'Dogs and Soldiers Stay Off The Grass'. [Keep your dogs & military men on a leash]
  11. Would you fast 1 week for a friend?
  12. Is man whose breath is in his nose to be esteemed?
  13. We are not self contained. We cannot save up life in our nose. 'Is man whose breath is in his nose to be esteemed?'
  14. Should we put our trust in man who is here today and gone tomorrow?
  15. What happened to him? He ran out of air.
  16. Do not put all your love, trust and confidence in man who will soon be worms meat.
  17. God is no respecter of persons, when your time comes, you will go. [Swimming, boxing or tap-dancing]
  18. 'You've Got To Walk This Lonesome Highway, You've Got To Walk It By Yourself' [Walk it with God] Cease to idolize man.
  19. Cease ye from man whose breath is in his nose.
  20. Put your confidence and trust in Jesus, a true friend forever.
These are #LiveTweetsInside of Pastor Paul's Message as it was recorded today. Follow #LiveTweetsInside as Live Tweets rumble usually on Thursdays. Follow jeaninecheri

Subscribe to Tongues of Fire-Pastor Paul's Podcast Episode 241 Pt1 of 'Friends Pt2' Friday April 6, 2012 and the conclusion Pt2 on Easter Sunday April 8, 2012.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Tongues of Fire-Pastor Paul's Podcast Episode 240 Pt2 'Friends Pt1'

Proverbs 19:7

A poor man is shunned by all his relatives--how much more do his friends avoid him! Though he pursues them with pleading, they are nowhere to be found.

Download Here: Episode 240 Pt2 'Friends Pt1'
  • Today is Palm Sunday Sunday April 1, 2012
  • Time 37.18 File Size 34.1 MB
  • Originally Recorded February 6, 1987
  • Your Hostess with the Mostest Jeanine Arnopoulos
  • Follow the#twitterRUMBLE on Thursdays
  • Coming to you from spirited North Minneapolis, Minnesota USA
  • Scriptures Links Here:
Join us next Good Friday April 6, 2012 for Episode 241 Pt1 'Friends Pt2' Pastor Paul's Message. Listen to Tongues of Fire-Pastor Paul's Podcast New Episodes Weekly-Spirit Filled Messages to Change Your Life!