Welcome to Tongues of Fire-Pastor Paul's Podcast-Episode #18-Why Live on Crumbs?
The question, 'Why live on crumbs?, the title of this message is followed by questions that internalize motives, thoughts and soul searching. We can find ourselves uncomfortably answering, I don't know.
Some questions the message asks are: 'What is repentance?'; Are you having afterthoughts?; Have you been on the wrong train?; Has your love run out of gas?; Who owns you?' The message digs deep into our heart, mind and soul.
When we turn around and face God we find a loving heart, peace of mind and joy unspeakable and full of plenty. Instead of fainting our soul soars. When we walk away leaving those things that are past behind and pushing forward to the high mark the calling in Christ, our will lines up with His will by receiving the gift of life eternal. Praise God for His mercy, grace and love.
Get off the night train, transfer from the soul train and get aboard the love train.
Scriptures quoted within Tongues of Fire-Pastor Paul's Podcast-Episode #18-Why Live on Crumbs?
Acts 17:30
Mathew 19:16-30
Acts 15:11
Romans 5:15
Romans 11:6
Titus 3:7
Ephesians 1:7
Ephesians 2:7
The message, Why Live on Crumbs?, was originally recorded December 1983.
Running Time: 1:44:11 File Size: 95.3 MB
Music is written and performed by Dove.
Listen to Tongues of Fire-Pastor Paul's Podcast-Episode #18-Why Live on Crumbs?
I am your Hostess with the Mostest Jeanine Arnopoulos coming to you from Spirited North Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.
The Audio Comment Line is available at 1-715-808-0318.
Send your comments, questions and suggestions to jeanine@pastorpaul.org.
Comments are live at the (B)log-wwwpastorpaul.blogspot.com (remember no dot after the 3W's).
Visit us at www.pastorpaul.org. Pastor Paul's Mission, is a not for profit organization providing food, love and dignity to people in need. Make a US tax deductible donation on the homepage.
Special links referred to in the Tongues of Fire-Pastor Paul's Podcast -Episode#18-Why Live on Crumbs?
M-Audio Track
Fall in Minnesota
Pastor Paul-70's
Social Media
pastorpaul.org community Be There or Be Square
Be There or Be Square
Download Here-Tongues of Fire-Pastor Paul's Podcast-Episode #18-Why Live on Crumbs?
God Bless you until next Friday.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Tongues of Fire-Pastor Paul's Podcast-Episode #18-Why Live on Crumbs?
Posted by
Jeanine Cheri Durand Arnopoulos
6:11 PM
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Tongues of Fire-Pastor Paul's Podcast-Episode #17-Decisions
Welcome to Tongues of Fire-Pastor Paul's Podcast-Episode #17-Decisions.
Pastor Paul's message, 'Decisions', is an excellent message for everyone. From early childhood we experience the difficult task of making decisions. During our lifetime we must make decisions daily from a menu selection to a soul mate. In today's complex world that task can be even more difficult because of the increased number of choices. Some decisions require us to be prepared to stand alone. Those decisions require a full heart.
Pastor Paul compares 'Indecision' with a terrible city to live in granting us no sleep or peace. We are warned about being procrastinators or stalling. In the message Pastor Paul says, 'it is better to be 'hot' or 'cold' rather than 'luke warm' when it comes to making a decision.' When we halt between two opinions we waste time. Or worse yet when we are double minded we make no decision and agree with everyone about everything.
Many times a decision is made with the help or influence of others. Usually at this time indecision is paralyzing and the opinions of others may not be best. It is important to be connected to God in prayer to reach the best decisions. God knows our heart and all circumstances. He will guide us to make the right decisions for us.
Scriptures quoted within Tongues of Fire-Pastor Paul's Podcast-Episode #17-Decisions.
I Kings 18:21
'Elijah then came near to all the people, and said, "How long will you go limping with two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him." The people did not answer him a word.'
The message, Decisions, was originally recorded December 1986.
Running Time: 1:40:53 File Size: 92.3 MB
Music is written and performed by Dove.
Listen to Tongues of Fire-Pastor Paul's Podcast-Episode #17-Decisions.
I am your Hostess with the Mostest Jeanine Arnopoulos coming to you from Spirited North Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.
The Audio Comment Line is available at 1-715-808-0318.
Send your comments, questions and suggestions to jeanine@pastorpaul.org.
Comments are live at the (B)log-wwwpastorpaul.blogspot.com (remember no dot after the 3W's).
Visit us at www.pastorpaul.org. Pastor Paul's Mission, is a not for profit organization providing food, love and dignity to people in need. Make a US tax deductible donation on the homepage.
Special links referred to in the Tongues of Fire-Pastor Paul's Podcast -Episode#17-Decisions.
Shop.org TV
Scott Silverman
Kelly Mooney, Resource Interactive
David Weinberger, Author
Shop.org Exhibitors
Shop.org Speakers
Pastor Paul's Store
Pastor Paul's Revenues
Download Here-Tongues of Fire-Pastor Paul's Podcast-Episode #17-Decisions.
God Bless you until next Friday.
Posted by
Jeanine Cheri Durand Arnopoulos
7:43 AM
Friday, September 14, 2007
Tongues of Fire-Pastor Paul's Podcast-Episode #16-Covering
Welcome to Tongues of Fire-Pastor Paul's Podcast-Episode #16-Covering.
Pastor Paul's message, Covering, compares an inadequate bed and comforter to our inner conflicts-no comfort with no peace. Many times we devise a plan to make more money-a bed of gold-hoping to come to self sufficiency only to find a bed too short and a covering too small.
In order to find comfort we must be under the covering of the Lord which extends from the East to the West never lacking. When we extend ourselves to others and become a covering we need not fear failure. It is not necessary to devise plans and dwell on ill fated circumstances. By coming out from beneath a covering of worry and stress on our circumstance to the covering of the peaceful comfort of the Lord we are open to possibilities beyond our perceived limitations.
Scriptures quoted within Tongues of Fire-Pastor Paul's Podcast-Episode #16-Covering.
Isaiah 28:20
'For the bed is too short to stretch oneself on it,
and the covering too narrow to wrap oneself in it.'
The message, Covering, was originally recorded June 23, 1991.
Running Time: 1:20:39 File Size: 73.8 MB
Music is written and performed by Dove.
Listen to Tongues of Fire-Pastor Paul's Podcast-Episode #16-Covering.
I am your Hostess with the Mostest Jeanine Arnopoulos coming to you from Spirited North Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.
The Audio Comment Line is available at 1-715-808-0318.
Send your comments, questions and suggestions to jeanine@pastorpaul.org.
Comments are live at the (B)log-wwwpastorpaul.blogspot.com (remember no dot after the 3W's).
Visit us at www.pastorpaul.org. Pastor Paul's Mission, is a not for profit organization providing food, love and dignity to people in need. Make a US tax deductible donation on the homepage.
Special links referred to in the Tongues of Fire-Pastor Paul's Podcast -Episode#16-Covering.
Scott Silverman
Punk Marketing
Las Vegas, Nevada
Luxor Hotel
Mandalay Bay
Charolette Richards
Little White Chapel
Hummer Limo
Financial Budget
Pastor Paul's Club
Casio Exilim
M-Audio Microtrack 24/96
Church...Talk, Talk, Talk
Lamb Blanket-(be sure to zoom)
Download Here-Tongues of Fire-Pastor Paul's Podcast-Episode #16-Covering.
God Bless you until next Friday.
Posted by
Jeanine Cheri Durand Arnopoulos
10:36 PM
Friday, September 7, 2007
Tongues of Fire-Pastor Paul's Podcast-Episode #15- My Garden-His Garden
Welcome to Tongues of Fire-Pastor Paul's Podcast-Episode #15-My Garden-His Garden.
Pastor Paul's Message compares our heart with a garden. Each heart is a garden that the Holy Spirit's presence changes by planting, watering, and weeding. It is a continued work. Have you been watered lately?
Jesus is walking through the garden of our soul and delights in the sweet fragrance of our spirit. He delights in our Faith. Faith + Love = God.
Love chases away hate. God walks through the garden of our heart.
Song of Solomon 4:16 is quoted,
'Awake, O north wind,
and come, O south wind!
Blow upon my garden
that its fragrance may be wafted abroad.
Let my beloved come to his garden,
and eat its choicest fruits.'
The Song of Solomon was written by King Solomon whose reign is dated 970-930 B.C. He was acquainted with the flora and fauna of the entire country and had poetic gifts that are used to the fullest. It is a beautiful love story about a king, a shepherd, and a maiden. When the king cannot win the maiden's love she is permitted to return to her shepherd lover. Many think the story typifies the New Testament revelation of Jesus Christ as the bridegroom and the church as his bride. It is a highly exalted view of human love and reminds us that the love of Christ for those who are lost rises above all earthly human affections.
Scriptures quoted within Tongues of Fire-Pastor Paul's Podcast-Episode #15-My Garden-His Garden.
Song of Solomon 4:16
The message, My Garden-His Garden, was originally recorded September 1985.
Running Time: 1:39:41 File Size: 91.2 MB
Music is written and performed by Dove.
Listen to Tongues of Fire-Pastor Paul's Podcast-Episode #15-My Garden-His Garden.
I am your Hostess with the Mostest Jeanine Arnopoulos coming to you from Spirited North Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.
The Audio Comment Line is available at 1-715-808-0318.
Send your comments, questions and suggestions to jeanine@pastorpaul.org.
Comments are live at the (B)log-wwwpastorpaul.blogspot.com (remember no dot after the 3W's).
Visit us at www.pastorpaul.org. Pastor Paul's Mission, is a not for profit organization providing food, love and dignity to people in need. Make a US tax deductible donation on the homepage.
Special links referred to in the Tongues of Fire-Pastor Paul's Podcast -Episode#15-My Garden-His Garden.
Pastor Paul
Headlines -May 1985
Food & Nutrition
Food Wanted
Garden Pictures
Download Here-Tongues of Fire-Pastor Paul's Podcast-Episode #15-My Garden-His Garden.
God Bless you until next Friday.
Posted by
Jeanine Cheri Durand Arnopoulos
8:39 PM