Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Tongues of Fire-Pastor Paul's Podcast-Introductory Episode 00 'Friends'

Welcome to Episode 00-Introductory Episode of Tongues of Fire-Pastor Paul's Podcast. We have much to celebrate. Today is Pentecost and the beginning of our Online Church. All new subscribers will receive this Introductory Episode regardless of our number of current episodes which should be interesting, as well as, historic. New episodes are available each Sunday. Introductory Episode 00 is available today-Pentecost, Wednesday May 23, 2007, a pre-show to Sunday.

Today's episode is about 'Friends'. It is an unedited copy of Pastor Paul's recorded message.
'Most men agree we all need friends...' taken from the message. His message explores these issues:
True Friendships
Faithful Friends
Friendships of Ignorance
Potted Friends
Developing Friendships
'What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?'
The House of Shameroo!
Cultivating Friendships
The quality of your friends is equal to the quality of your enemies
Jesus is a True Friend

Here it is: Tongues of Fire-Pastor Paul's Podcast-Episode 00-Introductory Episode
Hostess with the Mostest: Jeanine Arnopoulos
Running time: 1:24:57- File size is 77.7MB

Please send in questions, comments, suggestions-In the future, the audio comment line will be available. Presently, you can post comments at the Blog.
-Hello from the 'Spirited North Minneapolis', Minnesota, USA.
-You can subscribe over at iTunes-search Tongues of Fire Podcast
-Comments are now live on Pastor Paul's Blog.
-Introduction-Hostess with the Mostest (Most High)-The title of the Podcast 'Tongues of Fire' taken from the scriptures in the New Testament, Acts 2:1-4
When the day of Pentecost had come,
they were all together in one place.
And suddenly from heaven there came a sound
like the rush of a violent wind,
and it filled the entire house where they were sitting.
Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them,and a tongue rested on each of them.
All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak
in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability.
Quoted Scriptures within the episode:
Genesis 1:1-2
Proverbs 18:24
Psalms 38:11

Original Music written and performed by 'Dove'.

Pastor Paul's Message titled 'Friends'-originally recorded during his Disciples Ministry Church Mission service on a Friday evening on February 6, 1987. Some points of the message include:

-We all agree we need friends.
-Psalms 38:11-Friends become scarce when you are in trouble.
-How unworthy we all are as friends.
-The friendship of the world is a show.
-The closer you get to a real friend, in Jesus, the more you see your lack of being a friend.
-Jesus is a faithful friend.
-The reasons:
-True friendships can only come from true men, whose hearts are the soul of their honor.
-True friends are faithful to tell us of our faults, they do not fawn as hypocrites.
-A friend will warn you of the dangers ahead.
-A friend will prick your conscience.
-You can have confidences with a friend.
-Be friends with all men the best that is within you.
-Friendships of ignorance do not last.
-Real friendships lie in deeds not compliments.
-Build friendships on firm foundations-one block at a time.
-The quality of your friends will be equal to the quality of your enemies:
-Cold Friends/Cold Enemies-Half Friends/Half Enemies-Hot Friends/Hot Enemies
-What a friend we have in Jesus and let's stop lying to one another-at least so much.
-He is a friend that sticks closer than a brother.
-The bible says that Jesus who owned everything became a worm.
-Instead of giving your enemies so much attention, why not give your friends some attention?

Thank you for joining us today on Pentecost. The Introductory Episode 00 of our 'not so perfect podcast' Tongues of Fire
Special Thank you to Mitch Joel-Twist Image Podcast-Six Pixels Of Separation for his visionary insights of New Media inspiring 'newbies'. And thank you to the 'Podcasting for Dummies authors Tee Morris and Evo Terra' whose book was my podcasting bible.

Visit us at


Anonymous said...

Sounds great Jeanine. I am so proud of you. Welcome to the Podcasting world. I can't wait for episode #2... and beyond.http

Anonymous said...

Glad you found the book helpful, Jeanine. Best of luck to you.