Sunday, April 20, 2008

Tongues of Fire-Pastor Paul's Podcast-Episode #41-No Hearts

Judas Iscariot
'He spake of Judas Iscariot the son of Simon: for he it was that should betray him, being one of the twelve.' John 6:71

Of all of the twelve who were called to be disciples, the character of Judas remains the mysterious. The Gospel writers tell us nothing of his life or background before he met Jesus, and very little of his association with Jesus except to identify him as a betrayer.

To quote one observer, 'the treachery of Judas Iscariot, his remorse and suicide are occurrences Altogether so strange and extraordinary that the motives by which he was actuated require to be developed as far as may be done, where the Evangelists are in a great measure silent concerning them.' It is obvious that Judas had an overwhelming weakness, some ruling passion that made him, when under its influence powerless to resit evil.

What was the weakness? Was it covetousness as the Gospel narratives imply and the lust for money that was so great he stole from the disciples? If that were true, then why was he made steward for the group receiving contributions and overseeing redistribution?

An apocryphal source states that Judas Iscariot's weakness was wine. While this account has no Scriptural support, it is a more rational explanation of his behavior. Even today alcoholics and drug addicts often sacrifice everything including the interests of those they love for their habit.

The Gospels tell us that, stricken with remorse, Judas tried to undo the betrayal of Jesus, and returned to 30 pieces of silver, which the priests refused, and which were eventually used to buy a potter's field. In deep despair Judas hanged himself, but in the act, apparently the rope broke and he fell down a steep precipice at Aceldama where 'he burst asunder in the midst.' 1
Acts 1:18

Welcome to
Tongues of Fire-Pastor Paul's Podcast-Episode #41-No Hearts
Please note due to web hosting services technical difficulty transferring files, this podcast was originally due to air on Sunday April 6, 2008. Very sorry for the delay.

Scriptures within the message are:
  • No Hearts was originally recorded October 16, 1989
  • Running Time: 1:07 File Size: 61.4 MB
  • Your Hostess with the Mostest Jeanine coming to you from Spirited North Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.
  • Music Symphonic Music of the Rolling Stones-'Sympathy For The Devil'
  • Make an Audio Comment the number is 1-715-808-0318. I would like to hear from you. Like voice mail it is recorded and played on the podcast.
  • Send your comments, questions and suggestions to me,
  • Make a comment at the (no dot after the 3W's). Your comment will be posted.
  • Pastor Paul's Mission is located in the historic Mikro Kodesh synagogue in North Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.
  • Send your check and make a US tax deductible donation. We need your support-Thank You!
  • Special links referred to: Tongues of Fire-Pastor Paul's Podcast-Episode #38-Tears
Download The Podcast Here:
Tongues of Fire-Pastor Paul's Podcast-Episode #41-No Hearts
Next Friday Listen to Episode #42-The Over Confident and Sunday #43-The Fearful.
Faces About The Cross Continues Celebrating Two Episodes Weekly.

1 Jesus Loved Them, Sam Patrick and Omar Garrison pg 27

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